With an aim to enhancing multilingual services within the state, the Digital India Bhashini Division has officially signed MoU with the Uttar Pradesh Government. The MOU was exchanged between Anil Kumar Sagar, Principal Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Uttar Pradesh, and Amitabh Nag, Chief Executive Officer, DIBD at the Bharat Digital Summit in Lucknow.
With this collaboration, State government will advance the state’s multilingual capabilities, enhance governance, and ensure more inclusive and efficient public services.
Key objectives of the collaboration include:
Integration of Language Translation API
To incorporate Digital India Bhashini Division’s (DIBD) Language Translation API into state services. This will provide multilingual access to various state services and enhance the capabilities of the translation tools by utilizing diverse linguistic data.
Development of Local Language Translation Models
To create and refine translation models for local languages. This includes the integration of translation APIs, ongoing technical support, and training for state employees to ensure effective use of these tools.
Integration of Language Tools
To provide and integrate language tools such as grammar and spell check. These tools will improve communication and documentation accuracy within state government offices.
Utilization of Bhashadaan
To leverage the Bhashadaan platform for the collection and curation of linguistic data. Encourages contributions from citizens and state employees to enrich the linguistic datasets and improve language support.
Promotion and Expansion
To promote DIBD’s services throughout all districts of Uttar Pradesh. This includes integrating tools into educational institutions and ensuring that services are accessible and user-friendly for all citizens.
The ceremony took place in the esteemed presence of as blessed by Hon’ble Minister for Information Technology & Electronics, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Sunil Kumar Sharma, in the presence of key officials including Awanish Kumar Awasthi, Advisor to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh; Bhuvnesh Kumar, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & IT; Mahaveer Singhvi, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India; and Neha Jain, Special Secretary of IT & Electronics, Uttar Pradesh and Managing Director, UPDESCO.